How to get rid of Mildew?

June 2, 2017
I decided my spatula handles

Image titled Get Rid of Mildew Step 1Create a cleaning solution by mixing 1 cup (240mL) chlorine bleach with 1 gallon of warm water (3.75 liters).

Rub the affected area with a brush or rag dipped in the solution.

Rinse the area with water after the solution has been allowed to sit for a couple of minutes.

Turn on the vent fan, if available, upon leaving the bathroom. The fan will help deter mildew growth by circulating the air and removing moisture.

Method 2

Get Rid of Mildew on Wooden Furniture
  1. Vacuum loose spores from the furniture. Throw away the vacuum bag or clean the collection container afterward to prevent re-infestation of mildew.
  2. Wipe the area with a small amount of mild dishwashing detergent mixed with warm water. Use a damp, not soaked, rag to prevent over wetting the furniture, which can damage the wood.
  3. Allow the furniture to dry, and then use a wood furniture polish. If the musty mildew smell persists, add a small amount of baking soda inside of drawers, allow it to sit for several minutes, and then vacuum it out.

Image titled Get Rid of Mildew Step 2

Method 3

Get Rid of Mildew on Fabrics
  1. Rinse the garment and place the soiled piece of fabric outside in the direct sunlight. Because the mold grows best in dark and damp places, the sun is a natural predator of mildew. Allow the garment to remain in the sun until it is completely dry.
  2. Use a wire brush to brush away the mildew spores. It is important to do this while still outside, in order not to distribute the mildew back into your home.
  3. Cover the affected area with all-fabric bleach and allow it to soak for about 30 minutes before washing in the machine.

Community Q&A

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  • How do I remove mold from cupboards?

    wikiHow Contributor

    Image titled Get Rid of Mildew Step 3Scrub them with a mold killing/mold inhibiting substance. Bleach would probably do it but test it on an inconspicuous area first, as it could potentially ruin any stain or finishes. Do not mix bleach with any other substance, as this can create toxic fumes.

  • Will a dryer kill mildew?

    Not really. It will prevent mildew and slow or stop the spread of mildew because the moisture is gone but the only thing necessary for a "reinfestation" is to get the area damp again.

  • How do you get the mildew of the wall and ceiling? And how do you keep mildew from coming back?

    If you've got mildew in your walls and ceilings, your best option is to remove the wall and replace it with new construction. Once the mold is in the drywall, it is there for good, as it has plenty of fiber to feed on. Some companies will come in, remove all drywall and ceiling materials, then scrub down the framing and replace the wall and ceiling materials for you but it's a big job and can be quite expensive. However, your health is priceless, so try to make it a priority.

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  • Use a dehumidifier in areas that are prone to dampness, such as basements.
  • Consider a commercial mold and mildew control substance to aid in cleaning and preventing the growth.
  • Steam cleaners may prove successful at removing mildew from bathroom floors and grout.
  • After taking a bath or shower, leave the bathroom door open. Closing in the moisture will promote mildew growth in the bathroom.


  • Never work with bleach without protecting your hands and arms with plastic gloves.


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