As your air conditioning unit gets older, its efficiency can decrease dramatically, causing it to become noisier and require repairs more often. If you’re currently spending money on frequent repairs for a heating and air conditioning unit that’s 7 or more years old, replacing it with a new, more energy efficient HVAC unit might make more sense and will definitely lower the cost of your utility bill.
If you think it may be time to replace your air conditioner or furnace, schedule a FREE in-home consultation and we’ll send out one of our authorized HVAC installers to give you an estimate on the cost of installing a new furnace or air conditioning unit.
Our team of hand-picked, professional HVAC installers are local, licensed and insured, and will get the job done right. The Home Depot screens and performs background checks on all of our contractors before we send them out on any air conditioning or furnace replacement and installation job.
Whenever you need to replace your HVAC unit and get a new unit installed, The Home Depot won’t leave you out in the cold. We offer credit and extended service agreements for 5, 10 or 12 years that help you handle the cost of a new furnace or air conditioner.