Save money on home equipment and energy costs with our Priority Service Plans.
A priority service plan from Central Cooling & Heating is the best way to ensure that the heating and cooling system of your family's home are kept in top operating condition and efficiency for years to come.
A properly maintained system runs smoother, lasts longer, costs less money to operate, and keeps you focused on your family - not on household problems.
In the event that your heating or cooling system needs emergency service, we'll be there promptly, with the parts and technicians necessary to make many repairs on-the-spot.
Gold Member Plans
Gold A: This plan is for condensers and heat pumps under 10 years old or furnaces and boilers* under 20 years old covering all parts and labor including the compressor but excluding the heat exchanger and refrigeration coils. If you need to replace your heat exchanger or refrigeration coils, you will receive a 10% discount on parts and labor. Routine maintenance is carried out on a semi-annual basis for combined heating and cooling systems or annually for heating or cooling alone. Gold plans are our highest priority plans.
Gold B: This plan is for condensers and heat pumps between 10 and 15 years old with the same coverage as Gold A but does not include the compressor. If your compressor fails and you opt to replace it, the labor is covered by this plan.
* Note: Boiler coverage includes the control system, ignition systems, draft system, pressure relief valve, and (bladder type) expansion tank. All other components that come in contact with water are not covered.
Silver Member Plans
Our Silver Priority Service Plan covers routine maintenance carried out on a semi-annual basis for combined heating and cooling systems or annualy for heating or cooling alone. All parts are supplied at 10% discount and labor is charged at our current rate.
25-Point Precision Tune-up Services for Heating & Cooling
- Check thermostat operation
- Clean or replace air filter
- Inspect fused disconnect
- Test and tighten all wiring connections
- Safety test all controls for proper operation
- Test capacitors
- Inspect blower and motor
- Adjust or replace belt if applicable
- Inspect/lubricate bearing
- Inspect/clean drain pan to protect overflow
- Clean drain line
- Inspect/clean indoor coil
- Inspect/clean outdoor coil
- Check voltage and amperage
- Inspect and test all motors
- Visual inspection for refrigerant leaks
- Install gauges/measure refrigerant pressures
- Measure refrigerant super heat and sub cooling to maximize efficiency
- Measure temperature across the system
- Test for presence of CO
- Inspect heat exchanger and clean burner
- Inspect unit insulation
- Check for adequate combustion air
- Replace oil filter and nozzle
- Check defrost cycle
Central Cooling Loyalty Credits
As an added benefit, Central Cooling & Heating offer Loyalty Credits to our customers holding Gold Service Plans. Each year that you extend your service plan with us, you will earn $35 in Loyalty Credits that can accumulate to a maximum of $500. Loyalty Credits can be applied to the following installations:
- Boilers - up to $400
- Furnaces - up to $300
- Central Air - up to $250
- Heat Pump - up to $250
- Water Heater - up to $50
- Humidifier, Air Cleaner, UV Light - up to $35
Important Notes About Our Priority Service Plans
We do all we can to assist our customers with any service or maintenance need. However, in fairness to all our customers, we must place certain restrictions regarding unusual conditions:
- Certain repairs due to circumstances out of our control are excluded. These include repairs necessitated as a result of water, snow and ice damage, hail, wind, theft, earthquake, civil disorder, vandalism, lightning, atmospheric conditions, birds, insects or other animals, or accidents caused by the negligence of any person or company other than Central Cooling & Heating.
- Before any contract is accepted, a tune-up must be performed at our normal rate, with required repairs made at the customer’s expense. The cost of the tune-up may be applied to the contract price should you opt to purchase a service plan within 7 days of your tune-up.
- We are not accepting Gold contracts on 50QT heat pumps. Silver coverage is available.